Recipe Easy Tomato Tart

5 / 5 (1 reviews)
  • Easy Tomato Tart
  • 6Servings
  • Preparation
  • Cook
  • Total
  • 292 kCal
    Per serving
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  • Category : Appetizers
  • Sub-category : Tartes and Quiches
  • Difficulty : 2
  • See the original French version

Warning ! This is not the good season to make this recipe ! See other recipes (Appetizers) recommended for this season



  • One 11 inch pie plate (28 cm)
  • 1 colander
  • 1 cheese grater


  1. Prepare the puff pastry or, even faster, pie crust
    Step picture

  2. Prepare the tomatoes a little in advance: peel them if you prefer no skin, remove the seeds, cut into slices and put them in a colander to drain the juice. Salt them while in the colander.
    Step picture

  3. Preheat the oven to 415°F (210°C). Line the pan with the dough and prick with a fork.
    Step picture

  4. Spread the mustard on the bottom of the pie crust
    Step picture
    Cover with a layer of the cheese, cut into slices
    Step picture
    Add a thick layer of tomatoes on top and finish with the remaining cheese, grated.
    Step picture

  5. Bake at 415°F (210°C) for about 30 minutes, making sure to keep an eye on it near the end of cook time
    Step picture

Final Thoughts...

  • Thank you Michel Smiley
    Tastes great with a salad ... You can also add 1 can of crumbled tuna on top of the tomatoes Smiley


Recipe comments


About the author

La Cuisine d'Annie

Mother of three, French and living in Paris, in 2003 I decided to create this site to make my everyday cooking easier. My main interest: home-made food with simple, high quality products, local ingredients, and passing down what my mother taught me the best I can.

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