Recipe Quiche Lorraine

5 / 5 (8 reviews)
  • Quiche Lorraine
  • 6Servings
  • Preparation
  • Cook
  • 20 minSleep
  • Total
  • 647 kCal
    Per serving
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  • Category : Appetizers
  • Sub-category : Tartes and Quiches
  • Difficulty : 1
  • See the original French version

Congratulations ! This is the good season to make this recipe!



  • One 11 inch tart/pie dish (28 cm) or 10 inch cake pan (25 cm)
  • 1 bowl
  • 1 grater for the nutmeg
  • 1 pan or small skillet
  • 1 rolling pin


  1. Prepare the dough for the quiche crust with flour, butter, salt and water and let stand at least 20 minutes.

  2. Cut the pork belly into small strips or cubes (like lardons), trimming any excess fat. Blanch the pieces of meat by placing them in a pan, covering them with cold water, and then boiling them for 1 to 2 minutes. Drain. You can also brown the meat in a pan, with no oil, and then discard the grease.
    Step picture

  3. Beat the 4 eggs together in a bowl. Add the 8 oz (25 cl) of cream, the salt, pepper and some grated nutmeg.
    Step picture

  4. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
    Step picture

  5. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin then line a lightly buttered pan with the dough. Prick the bottom of the dough with a fork. Spread the bacon pieces on top of the dough then pour the liquid mixture over the bacon. Bake in the oven at 400°F (200°C) for 30 minutes. Serve warm with a green salad

  6. Tip: Try making the quiche in a smaller pan with high sides
    Step picture

Final Thoughts...

  • Kuchen = Cake


Recipe comments


About the author

La Cuisine d'Annie

Mother of three, French and living in Paris, in 2003 I decided to create this site to make my everyday cooking easier. My main interest: home-made food with simple, high quality products, local ingredients, and passing down what my mother taught me the best I can.

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