Recipe Shortcrust Pastry

5 / 5 (73 reviews)
  • Shortcrust Pastry
  • 8Servings
  • Preparation
  • Cook
  • 1 h Sleep
  • Total
  • 274 kCal
    Per serving
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  • Category : Bread and Doughs
  • Sub-category : Doughs and Batters
  • Difficulty : 1
  • See the original French version

Congratulations ! This is the good season to make this recipe!



  • 1 bowl
  • 1 baking sheet
  • 1 rolling pin


  1. Beat the egg, sugar and salt together in a bowl.
    Step picture

  2. Add the flour all at once and mix together with your fingertips. The dough should take on a sandy, crumbly texture (in French, the name for shortcrust pasty is literally "sandy pastry")!
    Step picture

  3. Add the softened butter (but not melted), then your preferred flavoring and knead the dough by hand to blend everything together.
  4. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in a cloth and let stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour in a cool place.
    Step picture

  5. When enough time has passed, roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface: your dough is ready to be used to make a pie crust, tart, or shortbread cookies.
    Step picture

  6. Blind bake (pre-bake) on a buttered baking sheet in the oven at low heat. Don't let it overcook: take the crust out of the oven as soon as it turns a golden blond color.

Final Thoughts...

  • THE recipe for pie crusts, tarts, cookies, and shortbread biscuits :)

    Note: The amount of sugar used varies from 1/4 cup (50g) for a pie crust to a little more than 2/3 cup (125g) for cookies

    WARNING: Shortcrust pastry is fragile! To prevent the dough from cracking, roll it on the rolling pin and then unroll it on the baking sheet. It is also fragile after baking, so be careful when handling it Smiley

    To blind bake (pre-bake) (= without filling): prick the bottom of the pastry with a fork then cover with apricot kernels (or dried vegetables, beans, etc) and cook for 10 to 15 minutes in a warmed oven. Keep an eye on the coloring of your crust!
    A tip: keep the kernels in a box to reuse for the same purpose in the future

    Take a look at my video on my Youtube channel:


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About the author

La Cuisine d'Annie

Mother of three, French and living in Paris, in 2003 I decided to create this site to make my everyday cooking easier. My main interest: home-made food with simple, high quality products, local ingredients, and passing down what my mother taught me the best I can.

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