Recipe French Shortbread Cookies

5 / 5 (289 reviews)
  •  French Shortbread Cookies
  • 6Servings
  • Preparation
  • Cook
  • 30 minSleep
  • Total
  • 206 kCal
    Per serving
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  • Category : Dessert
  • Sub-category : Cookies, Brownies, and Pastries
  • Difficulty : 1
  • See the original French version

Congratulations ! This is the good season to make this recipe!



  • 1 bowl or 1 kitchen counter
  • 1 rolling pin
  • 1 spatula
  • 1 cookie cutter


  1. To prepare the shortbread dough:
    Step picture
    Carefully mix the flour, sugar, butter (cut into small pieces), salt, and flavor of your choice all together by pressing and rubbing the palms of your hands against one other to create a sand-like texture.
    Step picture
    (Note: the butter should not be soft, but not too hard either!)
    Step picture
    Quickly stir the egg into the mixture
    Step picture
    Shape the dough into a ball. Crush and flatten the dough with the palm of your hand several times to thoroughly mix the ingredients together.
  2. Dust with flour and let stand in a cool place for about 30 minutes, covered with a cloth.
    Step picture

  3. Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
  4. Place the dough on a floured surface. Keep some flour nearby to add to the rolling pin and to your hands, then roll the dough 1/4 inch (1/2cm) thick.
  5. Cut the dough into rounds using a cookie cutter or a cup.
    Step picture

  6. Place the cookies on a buttered baking sheet.
  7. Bake for about 10 minutes in a hot oven, keeping an eye on the cookies: take them out of the oven when they turn golden-brown
    Step picture

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About the author

La Cuisine d'Annie

Mother of three, French and living in Paris, in 2003 I decided to create this site to make my everyday cooking easier. My main interest: home-made food with simple, high quality products, local ingredients, and passing down what my mother taught me the best I can.

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