Recipe Basic Omelette

5 / 5 (3 reviews)
  • Basic Omelette
  • 2Servings
  • Preparation
  • Cook
  • Total
  • 318 kCal
    Per serving
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  • Category : Appetizers
  • Sub-category : Eggs
  • Difficulty : 1
  • See the original French version

Warning ! This is not the good season to make this recipe ! See other recipes (Appetizers) recommended for this season



  • 1 bowl
  • 1 skillet
  • 1 serving plate


  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl one by one, then beat them with a fork until blended. Add salt and pepper.

  2. Cooking the omelette: in a large, round skillet, heat the butter and/or oil over medium-high heat. Once the butter has melted, pour the eggs all at once into the skillet. Use a fork to lift and push the eggs that start to stick to the edges and bring them toward the center of the skillet. You should make sure your skillet is set over a high heat setting (normally medium-high), but not too hot otherwise the eggs will cook too quickly and your omelette will have wrinkles. Continue to cook the eggs by scrambling them with the back of your fork until you have your desired consistency

  3. Remove the skillet from heat, tilt it and fold the omelette in half. Then slide your finished product onto a plate and serve immediately.

Final Thoughts...

  • So, how did your omelette turn out? Did you get a nice runny omelette, a fluffy one or one that's well cooked?

    This recipe becomes even better with free-range eggs or organic eggs in the springtime Smiley


Recipe comments


About the author

La Cuisine d'Annie

Mother of three, French and living in Paris, in 2003 I decided to create this site to make my everyday cooking easier. My main interest: home-made food with simple, high quality products, local ingredients, and passing down what my mother taught me the best I can.

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