Recipe : Sautéed Brussel Sprouts

Recipe written by
Calories: 1 serving: 163 kCal (652 kJ)
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Preparation: 10 min





  1. Prepare the Brussel sprouts: cut out the core of the Brussel sprouts and peel off any wilted leaves

    Place them in a bowl of water with vinegar for a few minutes

    Wash them in the water, empty the container, then refill and repeat two or three times.
  2. Cook the Brussel sprouts: immerse in salted boiling water and cook uncovered for 15 minutes. Check to see if they are tender then drain and rinse under cold water

  3. Melt the butter in a skillet and sauté the Brussel sprouts, which should be cut into 2 or 4 depending on their size. Check the seasoning, add pepper and sprinkle with grated cheese


Final Thoughts

Cook the Brussel sprouts uncovered to preserve their beautiful green color

